Great Plain Squares

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Ocean wave is a formation of three or more dancers holding adjacent hands and with each dancer facing in an opposite direction to that of the adjoining dancer(s). MINI WAVE is an ocean wave consisting of two dancers.

(a) RIGHT HAND WAVE: An ocean wave with an even number of dancers is a right-hand wave if the end dancers and the dancers adjacent to them have right hands joined.

(b) LEFT HAND WAVE: An ocean wave with an even number of dancers is a left-hand wave if the end dancers and the dancers adjacent to them have left hands joined.

(c)STEP TO A WAVE: Starting formation - facing dancers. Dancers ½ Pass Thru (i.e. walk forward a small step and make a mini-wave). Ending formation is a right-hand mini-wave. Usually STEP TO A WAVE is called from facing couples, ending in a right-hand ocean wave.

(d)WAVE BALANCE: Starting formation - mini-wave, ocean wave. Each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back on the free foot and pauses while touching the other foot beside it.

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© Copyright 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 by CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears.