Great Plain Squares

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There are several ways to identify dancers in a square.

(a) PARTNER / CORNER. From a squared set with normally arranged couples, each man's PARTNER is the dancer on his right, and each man's CORNER is the dancer to his left. Each woman's PARTNER is the dancer on her left, and each woman's CORNER is the dancer to her right. From a circle of alternating men and women facing in, the man's PARTNER is the adjacent dancer to his right and the man's CORNER is the adjacent dancer to his left. The woman's PARTNER is to her left and the woman's CORNER is to her right.

(b) HEADS / SIDES. From a squared set, the heads are the two couples facing towards or away from the caller (or the wall the caller is on in very wide halls) and the sides are the other two couples. From other formations, dancers retain their HEAD or SIDE identity (i.e. HEADS means Original HEADS). When a woman promenades to a position other than that where she started, she acquires the identity of that position. This is common in singing calls but is also true in patter.

When the head man is promenading with the side lady, the following commands are all acceptable and have the same meaning: "HEADS Wheel Around", "HEAD MAN with the lady you've got, Wheel Around", or "HEAD MAN and the girl with you, Wheel Around".

(c) COUPLE #1, #2, #3, #4. From a squared set, the couple with its back to the caller's wall is COUPLE #1. The couple to their right (counter-clockwise when viewed from above) is Couple #2, and so on. Typical usage would include "Couples 1 and 3 make a right hand star". The phrase "COUPLES 1 AND 3" means the same thing as "HEADS".

(d) BOYS / GIRLS. The BOYS are those dancers who initially squared up as the left-side dancers of each couple. The GIRLS are those dancers who initially squared up as the right-side dancers of each couple. The terms MEN, GENTS, GENTLEMEN, and GUYS are synonymous with BOYS. The terms WOMEN, LADIES, and GALS are synonymous with GIRLS.

(e) CENTERS / ENDS. In any line or column of 4 dancers, the two dancers in the center are called the CENTERS and the two dancers on the end are called the ENDS. The identification of CENTERS or ENDS is independent of facing direction.

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© Copyright 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 by CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears.