Great Plain Squares

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Starting formation - any two dancer formation in which the directed dancer has a shoulder directly adjacent to the other dancer. GENERAL RULE: Directed dancers step forward and move in a small semi-circle to end facing toward an adjacent dancer or position. The adjacent inactive dancer may be facing in any direction and does not move. If not specified, centers fold toward ends and vice versa.

(a) BOYS FOLD, (b) GIRLS FOLD, (c) ENDS FOLD, (d) CENTERS FOLD: Directed active dancers fold toward the inactive dancers using the general rule.

(e) CROSS FOLD: Starting formation - line, two-faced line, or wave. The directed (active) dancers who must either both be centers or both be ends, fold toward the farthest inactive dancer by walking in a semi-circle to end facing toward that same dancer. When the active dancers are both facing the same direction, they move forward in a semi-circle, pass each other and fold toward the inactive dancer.

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© Copyright 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 by CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears.