Great Plain Squares

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Week 11


Starting formation - facing couples (man and lady). The couple whose back is to the center of the square (unless a specific couple is directed) makes an arch by raising their joined inside hands. The other couple ducks under the arch and moves forward. The couple making the arch moves forward and does a California Twirl. If neither couple has its back to the center of the set, then one couple must be directed to dive thru the other couple.


Starting formation - square. A call that has the sides doing one part while at the same time the heads are doing another.

Heads move forward into the square (4 steps), turning one quarter (90 degrees) on the fourth step to face partners and back away to the sides of the square (4 steps). Turn one quarter (90 degrees) to face the original opposites. Back away to the corners of the square (4 steps) and turn one quarter (90 degrees) to face original partners and walk forward to home (4 steps). Do not turn. (Total to here: 16 steps.)

From this point the action is reversed. Heads back away from their partners (4 steps), turning one quarter (90 degrees) on the fourth step and walk forward to the opposites (4 steps). Turn one quarter and walk forward into the center toward partners (4 steps). Turn one quarter (90 degrees) to face opposites and back up to home (total: 32 steps).

While the head couples are doing the first 16 steps, the sides start by facing their partners to back away and do the second 16 steps. Completing this, the sides do the first 16 steps, while the heads are doing the last 16.

The principle of walking three steps and then turning (or reversing) on the fourth step is followed throughout. This call may be broken into fractional parts by the caller directing the number of steps required. The call may also start with the heads, or other designated dancers, directed to face.

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© Copyright 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 by CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears.