Great Plain Squares

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Week 4


Starting formation - couple. Partners exchange places without changing facing directions. Dancer on the right sidesteps to the left, while the other dancer on the left steps back, sidesteps to the right, then steps forward to rejoin partner.


Starting formation - single dancer. The dancer does an in-place about-face turn (180 degrees), turning toward partner unless the body flow dictates otherwise. If alone (i.e. no partner), the dancer turns toward the center of the set. If the dancer is facing directly toward or away from the center of the set, he may turn in either direction.


Starting formation - facing dancers (man and lady). Man's right hand is placed against the lady's left, palm to palm with fingers up, to make an arch. As the dancers move forward the lady does a one quarter (90 degrees) left face turn under the arch, while the man does a one quarter (90 degrees) turn to the right moving behind the lady. They end side by side with the lady on the man's right.


Starting formation - couple, mini wave. Two dancers exchange places with each other.


Starting formation - facing dancers. Dancers move forward, passing right shoulders with each other. Each ends in the other's starting position but neither dancer changes facing direction.


Starting formation - any line with an even number of dancers. Dancers in each half of the line must be facing in the same direction. The center dancers in the line drop hands with each other. With each half of the line working as a unit, the ends move forward while the centers back up until both halves of the line are facing.


Starting formation - trade by or any formation in which two couples are facing each other and the other couples are facing out. The couples facing each other pass thru, the couples facing out do a partner trade to face in.

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© Copyright 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 by CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears.