Great Plain Squares

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Week 7


Starting formation - couple. The dancers in the couple turn back to back with each other and walk forward around the outside of the square. The distance traveled is determined by the next call.

Starting formation - couple. The couple must be active or designated. Couple on the outside of the square (e.g. squared set). The two dancers in the couple turn back-to-back with each other and start walking away from each other, around the outside of the square. The distance traveled and ending position are determined by the next call.

Couples facing out of the square (e.g. after a heads square thru 3). The couples must have forward momentum or be designated. The couples will step forward and then perform the SEPARATE action describe above.

After either a SPLIT TWO or a SEPARATE, the active dancers walk around the outside of the set passing the designated number of inactive dancers (e.g. "SEPARATE, AROUND 2" or "SPLIT 2, AROUND 1"). The inactives act as stationary objects (referred to as goal-posts) and do not change their facing direction. The inactives counterdance as necessary by stepping forward to allow the actives to walk comfortably around the outside, and then stepping slightly backward as the actives pass.

When the active dancers have encountered their final inactive (goal-post) dancers, they walk around this dancer as follows:

TO A LINE: The active dancers walk around their last inactive dancers either squeezing in between the inactive dancers (who move apart to make room) finishing in lines facing or inverted lines, or stopping when they are the ends of lines (with the inactive dancers being the centers of these lines). Which action will happen depends on the relationship of the active dancers to their final goal-post dancer. These actions are sometimes also called "SQUEEZE IN---MAKE LINES" or "HOOK ON TO THE END---MAKE LINES", respectively.

AND COME INTO THE MIDDLE WITH A: The active dancers will either continue walking around their last inactive dancer, squeezing in-between and through the inactive dancers (who move apart and back together to make room, as in the call SPLIT 2) to come into the center of the set and take the next call, or will walk in a semi-circle around their last inactive dancer to end ready to take the next call in the center of the set. Which action will happen depends on the relationship of the active dancers to their final goal-post dancer. The second described action is also called AND COME DOWN THE MIDDLE WITH A.


Starting formation - facing couples. The active or directed couple moves forward between the outside couple who sidesteps slightly to let them through then sidesteps back together again.

SPLIT TWO: Starting formation - a couple or tandem facing another couple. The active or directed couple or tandem moves forward between the inactive couple who sidestep slightly apart to let them through then sidestep back together again. The call is not complete until the next command tells the active dancers what to do next. From an 8 chain thru formation, an example usage would be CENTERS SPLIT TWO, AROUND 1 TO A LINE. Here, it is implied that the active dancers will SEPARATE, although other directional calling is sometimes used instead (e.g., CENTERS SPLIT TWO, BOTH TURN LEFT AND PROMENADE SINGLE FILE WHILE THE OTHERS ...).


Starting formation - circle of two or more couples. Each dancer faces partner or directed dancer and does a left arm turn half (180 degrees) to face in the opposite direction. Releasing armholds and moving forward, each dancer goes to the corner for a right arm turn half (180 degrees). Each returns to the starting partner to courtesy turn to face the center of the set or to follow the next call.


Starting formation - square or circle. All dancers face their corners. Walking forward and around each other while keeping right shoulders adjacent, dancers return to face their partner.


Starting formation - square or circle.

Each dancer walks forward and around the partner keeping left shoulders adjacent, then steps forward to face the corner.

(NOTE: This call is to be used ONLY in conjunction with ALL AROUND THE CORNER.)


Starting formation - facing couples (man on left, lady on right). The ladies step forward, extend right hands to each other and pull by. Each man steps forward and to the right, turning left to face the same direction as the lady beside him. The lady extends a left hand to the man for a courtesy turn. Couples end facing each other.

NOTE: TWO (or FOUR) LADIES CHAIN THREE QUARTERS: Starting formation - facing couples, a square or circle of 8 dancers. The directed ladies step to the center, form a right hand star and turn the star three quarters. All courtesy turn to face the center of the set.

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© Copyright 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 by CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears.